Hi, Phoenix here again continuing the blog series on hanging out with my parents. They’ve been here now for about 5 weeks, and the time has flown by.
We’ve enjoyed socializing with them out on the homestead, having dinners together and eating the tomatoes and cherries we’ve grown. With their help, K and I have been able to get some big to-dos off our list. They’ve helped clean out the chicken coop and goat shed, which is a back-breaking job for one person. We’ve worked together to give our huge livestock guardian dogs baths and sanitary trims. They’ve cleaned out the trailer so we can sell it (since they now have a house to stay in). It’s been a busy visit.
But Dad’s also been enjoying evening walks, stargazing, and some arts and crafts (featured image). He found a piece of wood in the backyard and transformed it into a work of art. Mom’s been enjoying cooking and interacting with the dogs and baby goats. She’s also been helping me manage the pain and swelling in my hurt wrist.
In another week, they’re heading back home to get ready for their next adventure, a trip to Europe. Hopefully they’ll visit again in the spring, when the weather’s warm enough. Till then, K and I will keep chugging along on the homestead.
Over the next several weeks, I’ll be focusing on my job as an environmental scientist and K will be taking the lead on running the homestead. What will he discover? What adventures will he have? Stay tuned!
Here’s some art we created together while they were visiting.

Next blog post: Part 1: The importance of partnership in homesteading