Part 1: Reprieve from social isolation–hanging out with my parents (by Phoenix)

Hi, Phoenix here. For the last few blog posts, I’ve been describing how K and I have been restoring a house to function off-grid for my parents to stay in when they visit. Before, they had to stay in a trailer, which is ok for a few days but not for a few months, especially in the summer or winter. Now the house has electricity, propane, and running water. The renovations are nowhere close to finished, but the house is livable. 

My parents are now visiting from the east coast for a few months and I’ve been enjoying the reprieve from the social isolation that can take hold out here. It’s been quite an adjustment for them, I’m sure–being off-grid, using less electricity and water, going grocery shopping only once a week. But they’re troopers and are taking it in stride; it’ll just take time. I know it took my a year to get used to doing things differently and another year to appreciate this way of sustainable living.

While here, my parents have been cooking some of my favorite foods, bringing back childhood memories. They’ve also been helping with several projects around the homestead, like helping milk the goats, making cheese, organizing and cleaning, and repairing the chicken coop. They’re also taking care of some fruit trees we all planted in the house’s backyard–some grapes, apples, blueberries, and cherries. I’m working on training one of our dogs, so they’ve been helping socialize him–a challenge out here. With so many projects, a busy time at work, and me recovering from a hurt wrist, it’s been nice to have the help.

Don’t worry, K and I haven’t been putting them to work all this time. We’ve all gone out to eat and gone shopping. We might go do some touristy things, if we can find the time and energy–stay tuned!

Next blog post: Part 2: Reprieve from social isolation–hanging out with my parents continued (by Phoenix)