Unanticipated setbacks and solutions

By the end of November, the weather was changing, below freezing most nights.  We found the trailer would be too expensive to heat over winter.  We went through 100 gallons of propane in a month, even with skirting!!!  That and Dad’s lingering health problems meant another solution was required.  Fortunately, my neighbor K was ready to help us.  He invited us to stay in his stick-built home (traditional foundation, framing, etc.) over the winter, in a spare room.  This meant that we could stay warm and healthy, and have a social life while still maintaining the homestead.  It was great–we cooked together, talked for hours, and watched movies.  Unfortunately, Dad’s health continued to decline and he decided to head back to his suburban home for the winter.

K and I began to brainstorm additional sustainable living solutions that would allow me to keep my homestead and support his.  We knew we wanted to set up an off-grid homestead. We already both had animals and ideas for ourselves on how to make our living more sustainable.  Some of those solutions were in place but hadn’t been fully carried out.  As we discussed plans, we realized we could combine our resources into one homestead operation and accomplish more together than we ever could separately.  

The homesteading is a work in progress, as we discover new and better ways to create sustainable living.  I feel far happier and more grounded than ever before.  This lifestyle is one I can sustain and promote into the far future. True, life isn’t perfect, but being closer to nature, I am able to think more deeply about environmental sustainability and my role in bringing sustainability to fruition in my lifetime.

Next blog post: Creating a sustainable home